Praxis Church
Sundays at 8:30am + 10am + 11:30am

- Passionately preach the gospel
- Disciple believers to maturity
- Activate disciples to mission

- 1000’s come to faith
- Churches planted throughout the valley
- Every person within reach of a vibrant, gospel proclaiming church

- Equip and train leaders to plant churches
- Send and support local church planters
- Send and support global missionaries
Our Values
We believe that the Bible is the authoritative and inerrant word of God, breathed out by God and written by men through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, intended to teach, reprove, correct, train, and equip believers for the life and good works that God has purposed for them. We believe that it is through the scriptures that God has principally chosen to reveal himself to us, and that everything necessary for the proper understanding of who He is, who we are, and what He is up to in the world are revealed through them. We therefore strive to teach the truths contained in them passionately, accurately, and to live our lives in light of them.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is fully God, equal with the Father and Son, and that He seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, convict unbelievers of their sin and need for Christ, as well as to impart spiritual life through regeneration. The Spirit indwells, sanctifies, leads, illumines, and graciously empowers for godly living and service all who come to faith in Christ. We believe that the Holy Spirit desires to fill, empower, anoint, and impart gifts to every believer in order that they could effectively ministry and powerfully testify to the good news of Jesus Christ. We therefore strive to live lives that are honouring to and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
We believe that the central call of Jesus is to become his disciples. A disciple isn’t just someone who believes in Jesus, but someone who seeks to obey and follow him in their daily life. To be a disciple is to be someone who, by God’s awakening grace, conforms their words and ways to the words and ways of Jesus. To be a disciple is to submit to the lordship of Jesus and live our entire lives in complete obedience to his revealed will. We therefore strive to follow him, worship him, serve him, and daily grow in our enjoyment and relationship with him.
We believe that a disciple who is growing in their enjoyment and relationship in Jesus cannot help but tell others about the invitation to follow Christ as well. In fact, the last command that Matthew records Jesus giving to his disciples is, ‘go and make disciples of all nations…’ (Matthew 28:19). We believe that it is only through disciples obeying this command to preach and proclaim the Gospel that people will come to saving faith in Christ (Rom 10:14). We therefor seek to regularly engage with the ongoing mission of God in the world by telling others about the good news of salvation in Jesus.